Peanut Butter Puppies by Greg Murray
My rating: 5/5 cats
i loved this guy’s first book, Peanut Butter Dogs, SO MUCH that it’s an absolute crime that this follow-up WITH EVEN SMALLER DOGS has been out for more than four months without my being aware of it.
i was so excited to see this, i bought it on the spot, without so much as flipping through its pages. i for sure didn’t have the willpower to wait until i was back at work, where i could have ordered it into the store and taken advantage of my employee discount.
i needed these puppies IMMEDIATELY, you see…
here you will find more than seventy puppies (okay, seventy-one, but still) enjoying the pleasures of eating peanut butter and getting it all over their fuzzy snouts.
PERRY – 8 weeks, labrador/pit bull mix
but this time around, they are all rescues:
I chose to photograph only rescue dogs for Peanut Butter Puppies to help bring continued awareness to the importance of pet adoption. To save an animal’s life is an amazing privilege. Beginning here, and moving forward, I have committed to only featuring rescue animals in any of my books.
not only is he good-deeding his model choices by focusing on rescues, but he’s also choosing to highlight specific breeds that get a bad rap, so there are a lot of pitties up in here:
CALI – 5 months, pit bull mix
ZOLA – 8 weeks, pit bull mix
SUNNY – 10 months, pit bull mix (oh my god that EAR!)
and this little one i never would’ve clocked as a pitty:
BAILEY – 5 months, pit bull mix
the pitty-heavy focus is fine by me—i root for every pit bull competitor on america’s top dog unless they’re up against minion, who OWNS my heart
because he’s such a little scrapper
when he goes in for that second bite on the “bad guy,” i cheer every time. and, yes, i have watched this sev-er-al times because minion is an inspiration and a balm for my soul.
murray repeats the safety tips put forth in the first book w/r/t dogs and peanut butter and some guidelines about acceptable quantities of pb consumption for pups,
although some of these seem to be disregarding his suggestions
WALLABY – 7 months, blue heeler
basically, it’s all about the dog-to-peanut-butter ratio.
SCARLETT – 10 months, saint bernard
she can have it ALL.
interlude to play “who wore it best?—peanut butter edition:”
SHELDON – 1 year, shetland sheepdog/pit bull mix
LILY – 1 year, dachshund
but really, all you need to know about this book is tongues
ECHO – 4 months, boxer mix
QUINT – 1 year, dalmatian
CROWLER – 7 months, pit bull mix
ARLO – 4 months, doberman pinscher
and if a little peanut butter could turn mr ed into a star
maybe these pups are the next big thing!
BUGG – 5 months, shepherd/retriever mix
REED – 6 months, corgi/terrier/miniature pinscher mix
CHEDDAR – 5 months, australian cattle dog
in conclusion: RESCUE THESE TONGUES!
BEAN – 7 months, labrador retriever/boxer mix
DINKERS – 7 months, shih tzu mix
NESSA – 8 months, pit bull mix
GINNIE – 10 weeks, chihuahua mix
because, really, every dog is a balm for the soul. GET YOU ONE!
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