Nocturne: Creatures of the Night by Traer Scott
My rating: 5/5 cats
okay, so since goodreads is getting a little terrifying lately, with all the reviewer stalking and assaults, i feel like i need to bring a little contrast to all the batshit horrible vibes out there. i’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of what is happening in any way, but my response has always been to deflect the crazy rather than fan the flames. you fanners, carry on, because it’s important to know what’s going on, but my way is always to provide the relief, so here are some adorable nocturnal animals from this fantastic book, which is one of the best examples of animal photography i have ever seen.
obviously, i was sold with this picture:
and greg was sold with this one:
but there’s something for everyone here!
the best thing about nocturnal animals is how BIG their eyes are
and how grouchy they look when they are taken out of their comforting darkness
and even though i hate animals in clothes, i really think this guy would look cute with a little vest
so let’s just remember that as dark as things are right now, in that darkness there’s still a lot of cute things to return to after the dust settles.
oh, and also – a wet beaver. because it’s still me, after all.
it’s gonna get better, i promise.
chins up.