Treat Too!: Two Tails Are Better Than One by Christian Vieler
My rating: 5/5 cats
this book is every bit as good (but not twice as good) as vieler’s first one, Treat!, which i reviewed over here.
it’s another photographic celebration of that desperate doggy joy when treats are nigh
these! dogs! love! treats! so! much!
this time around, there’s less of an emphasis on the flappy jowls and comical expressions of treat-seeking mutts—FLASHING BACK TO THIS GOOFBALL:
here, it’s about relationships; whether between dog-and-dog or dog(s)-and-treats.
it features a wide range of breeds and an equally wide range of dogs’ reactions-to-treats.
some don’t seem to care about the proximity of noms
although those soulful eyes tell a different story
speaking of, vieler really missed an opportunity here to call this project THE HUNGER GAMES, because for all the doggoes who don’t seem to care, there are as many that care TOO MUCH, and in the wake of their clumsy enthusiasm, everyone’s gonna go home hungry
yes, there will be clonking
and sometimes the clonking will have teeth.
here is where i note that the author very responsibly includes a tip in his intro:
All dog pairs have been carefully selected. The depicted animals often live in the same household or have known each other for many years. Please do not try to take similar pictures with unknown dogs.
because in the game of two dogs, one treat—chaos reigns.
and back to relationships—some dogs are very good at gobbling, while their pal misses out
while some pairs are equally bad at this
and some seem to be treating the experience as a spectacle instead of a gustatory opportunity
IN P.S., his website is the best
IN P.P.S., GIFs:
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