The Secret Life of Squirrels: A Love Story by Nancy Rose
My rating: 5/5 cats
it is a complete coincidence that i am reviewing this book on the eve of squirrel appreciation day, and i am super-stoked that it worked out that way!
every year, the amazing erica sends me a wonderful christmas package, and for the third time, a nancy rose squirrel book has been included. and every year, it comes as a complete surprise to me, because for some reason, i never think to check if she has a new book coming out, and i open the package and i SQUEAL with shock and delight to see MORE adorable squirrels caught on camera acting like people.
if you missed the first two, here are my reviews:
and if you can’t be bothered clicking links in the middle of your busy day (no doubt elbows-deep in preparation for squirrel appreciation day!), here’s the skinny—nancy rose is a woman with the skills and the time and the inclination to build miniature sets full of teeny tiny props which she then assembles in the great outdoors and hunkers down patiently with her camera to await the arrival of the squirrels.
and the squirrels come and play and wheeeeeee
it just does not get cuter than this, friends.
the attention to detail is remarkable, and i think that’s why the squirrels are so responsive to her squirrel-sized wonderlands.
what squirrel wouldn’t be completely amazed by all of these books targeted to their specific interests??
even i want to read this one!
and while we are on the subject of attention to details, DO YOU SEE THESE HANDS AND FEETS?
it is no secret that i am in love with these enchanting squirrels
there is a ‘story’ to accompany the photos, and it is a tale as old as time itself—the search for love and companionship.
and for once, i wasn’t rolling my eyes at a romance plot. after all, squirrels in love are bound to make MORE SQUIRRELS!
thank you again and forever, erica and nancy rose and squirrels everywhere.
read my book reviews on goodreads