The Horny Minotaur by Nikita King
i’m not sure this should be called “the horny minotaur.” maybe instead, “the minotaur who has a kidnapped girl thrown into a cage with him and they are expected to mate and make little baby minotaurs but he doesn’t want to because he recognizes that is gross, and he is a sensitive minotaur who wants to raise his young and not have them just be farmed out to unspecified but presumably nefarious people but who eventually cannot resist the red-teddied girl in his cage and they fall in love and consummate their relationship and then there are action sequences.”
which works for me, but considering this is a 40-plus page story and is already long for the genre, i can understand why that title was probably only the second choice.
i’m just saying. because he is less horny than resolute, and the captured girl is forced to take the bull by the horns, in a manner of speaking. but he was asking for it, with those horns and all. OH, WAIT! now i get the title. nevermind.
the only thing that was distracting for me were the names: warrick and sara. anyone who has read the manna francis administration series knows that those are two of her characters, and it is very confounding to see sara and warrick having the intercourse. stop!!! what if toreth finds out!!??and why does warrick have horns??? but that is a very specific problem that affects only a handful of readers.
i appreciate that although she is a captive, she is allowed daily showers and changes of lingerie. this pleases the hygiene queen.
i would have liked to have had more of the other captured-for-breeding creatures’ stories. there was a lot of minotaur and centaur, but i wanted to hear more about the other caged creatures, and how they were getting on in their breeding.
but let’s just take a moment to silently think to ourselves about what happens when a human female is impregnated with a centaur baby. got it? ouch ouch gross ouch.
not as gross as puppet porn, but i think i learned a thing or two about the human body, which i will add to my stockpile of information about human-monster compatibility.