Sorry by Zoran Drvenkar
My rating: 2/5 cats
sorry, no.
but the people that froth over The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo will likely find something to appreciate here. this has all the same over-the-top violence and sexual abuse coupled with characters i can’t seem to give a damn about with many branching storylines that eventually converge in a way that seems overplotted.
so, very reminiscent of that book, to which i gave three stars cats, but which the more i think about, the less i actually feel it deserves. violence doesn’t bother me—i am one of the people who liked American Psycho. in fact, i borrowed this from work because the cover flap started thusly:
One. Two. Three. That’s all it takes to drive the nail into her head, to leave her hanging on the wall. She deserved to die. Now all he needs is absolution for his sins, and he knows just the people who can help.
and i was all “woohoo!!” because i am sick. and i thought that would be funny to read. but all of it is written very earnestly, without any sense of humor, so what’s the point? it isn’t entertaining. it isn’t even boring in a way that makes you uncomfortable, like funny games. it is just an unthrilling thriller with a lot of violence and characters who seem to have difficulty adapting to their situation, and making all the wrong moves.
especially frauke—because seriously—how did you expect that was going to end any other way?? oops, girl.
these characters do the darndest things, and it is frustrating to read this book, as a human being. if this were a movie, you would all be shuussssshing me because i would be yelling “what are you doing that for?? are you daft?? why would you think that was a good idea??” over and over.
or maybe you wouldn’t, because you would probably also hate the movie. and you would share your raisinets with me in solidarity.
this makes two two-starcat books in a row, and that makes me grumpy.
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