Marcel the Shell with Shoes On: Things About Me by Jenny Slate, Dean Fleischer-Camp
My rating: 5/5 cats
I don’t need a thrill ride. I’m already thrilled enough.
as monica! notes, a lot of this book is just a compilation of stuff ripped straight outta the videos, but in painted form which makes it ART!
the book is still cute even though you can’t hear the little squeaky marcel-voice and all the dog-inspired screamin’, but you can always hold all of that in your heart and your mind while you read. it’s like when you go to the circus and you buy the program—the live version is better, but the physical copy is a souvenir in its frenchiest sense. and this marcel book is something you can pull down from your shelf in a hundred years when the internet has been eradicated and our robot overlords only allow us to have picture books in our cages. #preparedforfuture
you may also enjoy the other marcel book, which is adorable and contains things not found in the videos: Marcel the Shell: the Most Surprised I’ve Ever Been
even if this book were terrible (and it’s so far from being that) i would give it five stars cats anyway because my very special copy has been signed by the staff of goodreads which makes it skyrocket into “best book ever” territory:
i’ll review it asap—i have been a ghost on here ever since i got back due to a perfect storm of sleep deprivation, illness, a nearly-amputated thumb and a back that made an audible CRUNCH when i was moving some books to a shelf yesterday and is now refusing to hold my body upright. okay, and also that midweek marathon of “how to get away with murder.” i’ll come back to goodreads, i promise, but right now i am myself basically just a shell with feet, good for absolutely nothing.