Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age 2nd edition by Heting Chu
My rating: 1/5 cats
dear book:
this book has broken my spirit. it is true i am wholly uninterested in this topic, even though it is something i feel like would be helpful to know. if i had had a better teacher for this class, i could at this very minute know all sorts of amazing things about information retrieval. as it stands—crappy teacher and crappy textbook and one day away from the final—i am a whimpering mass of jelly and nerves.
this book is boring. this book is presupposing all sorts of knowledge that this reader does not have. this book has typos. (ironically in the section that stresses the importance of accuracy when evaluating the quality of information representation.) this book is going up on ebay day after tomorrow.
merry christmas, naughty little boys and girls. you get a textbook!
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