I Don’t Really Love You: And Other Gentle Reminders of Existential Dread in Your Everyday Life by Alex Beyer
My rating: 4/5 cats
like Grandma’s Dead: Breaking Bad News with Baby Animals, Why Is Daddy in a Dress? Asking Awkward Questions with Baby Animals, and Maybe Your Leg Will Grow Back!: Looking on the Bright Side with Baby Animals, this is a book that pairs pictures of cutiepie animals with a hearty gutpunch of text
for maximum…humor?
unlike those other books, which are postcards you can send to your friends,
okay, to your friends before time makes them enemies, this book is just for you.
i feel seen.
now, a healthy, stable person will flip through this book and think, “cute! animals!”
while iiii look at this book and think, “o no! even the animals know i suck!”
can a book legally be shelved in the humor section if you feel worse after reading it?
especially if one of the little monsters looks like a less-beautiful version of the little heartmonster you miss each and every day?
tell me about it, cat…
it’s a book that, like life, is filled with upsetting facts
hard truths
true facts
tough love
love that should be tougher
a dollop of melodramatic depression-day insights
and some pretty good photography
even if some of the images are a little too on the (wet, healthy) nose
or a bit too close to home
in conclusion