Doodle Cat is Bored by Kat Patrick, Lauren Marriott
My rating: 5/5 cats
what a perfect-for-quarantine book this was for me. to wink-nudge the plot, it was exactly the THING i needed to stop me from being BORED. i may not be an easily-bored child, but i have become, during this prolonged isolation, a highly distractible grown lady, and being bored doing nothing is basically the flipside of being bored trying to do everything with a splintery attention span; starting-and-stopping a hundred different books, reviews, craft projects and domestic tasks without finishing any of them, and feeling like this frazzle-cat e-ver-y day:
it’s your basic picture book lesson about overcoming boredom through creativity, but it takes a been-there learned-that plot and slaps it silly with unfettered joy.
i love the energy of this one, and the sheer imaginative weirdness of the humor. surfing on fart waves, a party for roly-poly pangolins and my favorite dapper gent: uncle noodle cat.
i’d never heard of doodle cat before, but apparently there are two other doodle cat books i’m gonna need to track down:
I am Doodle Cat
Doodle Cat Wears a Cape
this part is probably going to be boring to you but i am typing it out regardless: i only discovered this one because i actually read the consortium communiqué newsletter for once instead of guiltily moving it (and all of the other book-related emails i get every day) into that virtual folder i’m totally gonna go through and catch up on SOMEDAY. this title was mentioned in tinyprint allll the way at the bottom of the email under the New Digital Review Copies header, sans adorable cover, so easy to overlook, and yet the bookgods knew i needed this in my life right now and they brought us together. and if you still don’t believe in bookgods, further proof: i didn’t even realize i still had an edelweiss account! but i’m awfully glad i do, and i am going to purchase this book as soon as it comes out which is—my goodness—FEBRUARY 2021 in this country, and i can only hope i am out of quarantine by then.
in conclusion:
read my book reviews on goodreads

May 22, 2020 at 6:56 pm
karen t. brissette
May 22, 2020 at 9:17 pm
it is practically a photograph!