Cataloging and Classification: An Introduction by Lois Mai Chan
My rating: 2/5 cats
screw this book. i’m so glad to see the end of this class. i will never catalog. ever. after my final on monday (which i will ace, bitches…), i will never ever think about this material again. i emailed my professor today with a question (and he’s a sweetheart, it’s not his fault this subject matter is a trainwreck) and he responded with “oh, there’s a really good chapter on this—chapter 17. you should read it.” no shit. i already read it three times. it is, by no stretch of the imagination, “really good.” maybe it is really good to nerds, but to me it is gibberishy. i am skipping work to study for this (and to make sweet potatoes) and it had better be worth it. i miss work already.
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