A Little Book of Sloth by Lucy Cooke
My rating: 5/5 cats
okay, so i know i just recently reviewed a sloth book, but then i was out on the town yesterday, i saw this book and i was still so high on sloth-fever, i had to buy it as well. so you are going to have to deal with more sloths from this corner. and i warn you, sloth-fever is super contagious. c’mere and let me cough on you.
so, down costa rica way, there is a sloth sanctuary called slothville. there one can find 150 sloths, all different kinds, living in harmony and community, and this book is full of pictures of the sleepy little monsters.
and i love them.
of the 150, one of them is twenty years old, one of them suffered a spinal injury in baby-slothood and has no use of his back legs, two of them are twins, and one of them is named velcro.
before the pictures start in earnest, here are some of the cutest sentences you will ever read:
–Baby sloths are Jedi masters of the hug. Their innate hug ability helps them cling to their moms for the first year of their lives.
They love to hug so much; collectively, they form a cuddle puddle.
–If any of the other baby sloths tries to sneak a Moo hug, a fight breaks out – a very, very slow fight, in which the winner is the last sloth to stay awake.
–It has to be said that sloths have very poor table manners. They nom nom with their mouths open and frequently fall asleep in their food.
okay, you have earned some pictures
kids, look away, this is a little softcore:
you like those, right?
so here is my proposition. 150 sloths sounds like a lotta sloths cluttering up slothville. surely by now they are looking for a place to store the overflow?? i can do that!!
look!! he loves this stuffed giraffe!
and i have one of those!
and how unfair is it that i have this bucket:
and zero sloths in it!! i would gladly fill this bucket with sloths!
i know where to buy beans!! tons of beans!
okay, this one i will have to work on, but i swear i will get one if i am promised sloth-opponents!~
so, i mean, think it over, slothville, i can provide references from my cat and probably some humans as well that i would be an excellent caretaker of the sloths; that there would be love and cuddles and beans and my cat would not be jealous at all. because, i just learned:
i will go wait by my mailbox now, thx.