Kamouraska by Anne Hébert
My rating: 5/5 cats
anne hebert, where have you been all my life?? and why are you all out of print?? and why did i buy you years ago and only pick you up now?? i declare again: canadians are one of the world’s best story-telling communities. i have rarely been disappointed by a canadian. and it’s not just blood-pride, if ayana is wanting to chime in. because it’s everything: the pacing, the novelty of narrative structure, the descriptive passages…unless i’m just more attuned to it because of some long-buried ancestral tug. but then why do i also respond so well to nigerian and irish fiction? why am i using this “review” to muse about something so extratextual? am i just in canada-lust right now because of the leonard cohen concert? regardless, and more on point, this book is excellent. i will seek her books out like i did with maritta wolff and jonathan carroll and liz jensen and all my other favorite out of printers. and i will have a tea party. in canada. so.
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