We’re Here, We’re Here by K.M. Szpara
My rating: 4/5 cats
As much as I love being in a band, I love being in a boyband even more. You’re not supposed to. Boyband members are male, but no one considers them masculine—not when their audience is comprised of teenage girls. Heaven forbid girls’ tastes be given any weight. When I was one, my favorite band was a group of baby-faced cis boys whom my classmates misgendered just so they could call me a lesbian for liking them. Figures, they were my trans masculinity goals and now here I am.
not much to say about this one; it’s well-written and sweet and it is a perfect short story to celebrate pride month, but one of the things that makes it perfect for pride month—i’m looking at YOU, battle cry of a final paragraph—is a little too much on-the-nose earnestness for my particular sincerity-ingesting abilities, but this is a boy band after all, and i don’t disagree with the messaging, so i will kick my cynicism to the curb and holy shit, this is one helluva long sentence; and i’m not talking about my life quarantining-in-place *wink nudge* okay ending this now bye.
read it for yourself here:
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