The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson
My rating: 4/5 cats
fulfilling my 2019 goal to read (at least) one book each month that has been digitally moldering, unread, on my NOOK for years and years and years.
not at all bad for a sickbed one-day read!
i am very glad i decided that one of my 2019 reading goals should be to start reading through the backlog of nookbooks i’ve been accumulating over the years. i’m even a little glad i got sick enough to feel zero regrets or guilt in giving myself a free pass to spend the whole day in bed, reading, which is not a thing i often do. i’m the kind of dummy that, if i’m too sick to think clearly enough to get writing-work done, i will use the time to scrub the bathtub or color-code the tupperware containers to their lids with nail polish. but THIS was one of those reading-only sickness – too achy to clean or even turn pages. THANK YOU FOR FINGER-TOUCH PAGE TURNING TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE!
this is my perfect version of a sickday book – it’s not too intellectually demanding but it’s also not brainpudding. most importantly, it keeps you wanting to read and read and read (and cough) and read as it pops you with TWIST after TWIST and CON after CON and REVEAL after REVEAL and so many muuuurderrrrrrrsssssss. which is a lousy list of things to experience in real life when you’re sick, but is great for your sickbed reading.
there are so many twists and turns, i just could not put the book down – there’s always one more delicious WHAAAAAAT? or OH NOOOOO around the bend, and each one makes you appreciate just how tricky murder can be; identifying people who fall into the category of the kind worth killing is easy, carrying it out and covering it up is a little more complicated.
take notes, notetakers!
this one has lived on my virtual shelves so long that by now everyone else has already read and reviewed it, and no one needs my encouragement in that department, so instead i will just say THANK YOU to the many people who told me i should read this/i would love this either directly or indirectly, through their glowing reviews. you are all wise and attractive humans.