Sunrise by Mike Mullin
My rating: 5/5 cats
and now it is over.
let’s take a moment of silence to reflect on this trilogy.
i loved this series. i loved it like i have rarely loved a trilogy before. and for those of you who are still all weirdly snobby about reading YA (i was once one of you—get over it), this does not read like what you are probably thinking of when you think of YA lit. it never has. it is one of the most well-conceived, well-researched set of books; heavy on both the practical survivalist/scientific detail and the action sequences, and it never sacrifices the human elements. yes, sometimes alex seems a little too good to be true, yes, sometimes it seems awfully convenient to have an electrical engineer, a brilliant military strategist, and darla—the handiest girl to ever have around in a post-apocalyptic situation all at the ready, but it never seems forced. survival of the fittest and all.
i love everything about this book.
the characters:
alex is great in this book. although he is young, he has already proven himself to others as a level-headed, capable, and compassionate person. he is hard-working and intelligent, and is willing to listen to people’s advice. even in his own internal monologues, he admits when he doesn’t know something, and defers to the expertise of others. in this book, the focus is on rebuilding; creating a homestead. there are still dangers (SO many dangers), but the primary concerns are the necessary measures that must be taken to establish a home base, and creating a sustainable future for the survivors. most of which falls on alex’s shoulders.
alex’s mother is somewhat of a disappointment in this book, but her decisions make sense given her situation. still—grrrr.
ben. love ben.
darla. well, darla.
she is just one of the best characters ever, anywhere.
If there was one thing I was certain of with Darla and a technical problem, it was that she wasn’t bringing me just the problem. She would have a solution in mind, and it would be something that required my help, or she would have already done it.
that’s all that needs to be said. that, and that her “big” scene at the end made me cheer like a sports fan. thanks for that.
the story:
plenty of action in this one, despite what i said above about all the homesteading. there are so many harrowing scenes. particularly the scene just after my bellow of oh my god mike mullin, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO????? the part that happened after the awful awful part made me the most worried for the characters and the freaking coldest i have ever felt reading a book. and i have read Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage.
the setting:
well, you know how i feel about the post-apoc. especially the post-apoc that takes place in a recognizable location and one that could actually happen. it is chilling and horrifying and this is the kind of book it might be really nice to have after an event like a supervolcano. i will never be a darla, but if i take notes from this book, there is a chance i will not starve to death. notes, and some luck. there is a lot of luck in this book, but there is just as much bad luck as good luck, and his storytelling style is seamless and never feels like he’s throwing a deus ex machina lifeline to his characters.
i have a couple of quibbles. i don’t necessarily buy the idea that the eminently practical darla would have made the decision/sacrifice she did in stockton for the sake of some romantic idea. it is really nice to see that she does have that side to her, but as someone who has always been ready to make the hard choices for the sake of survival, it seems uncharacteristically shortsighted.
View Spoiler »and that one is only a quibble because of how many things mullin does take into consideration—how many details he includes and possible obstacles he addresses, only some of which had occurred to me while reading.
oh, wait – third quibble: View Spoiler »
but quibble quibble who cares?
this book is worth a million stars cats, and while i am sad to see the story end, and i will miss those characters, it is a satisfying ending, and i am eagerly waiting to see what mr. mike mullin will write next.
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