Meat And Salt And Sparks: A Original by Rich Larson
My rating: 5/5 cats
From the time she was old enough to understand it, the scientists had always told her she was the only one. That she was unique. That she was alone. Now the idea of another individual like her, or even more than one, is so momentous she can barely breathe.
She makes herself breathe.
i was very excited to see another free tor short from this guy, after i loved-loved Our King and His Court: A Original. that one had some violent bits that were maybe not for everyone, but this is more deeply sad and upsetting in a non-squirmy way, so i strongly suggest you all go read it. it is FREE. and it’s been a rough week for people who seemed to have their shit together opting out, so there’s a timeliness to reading a story so full of how desperately lonely this world can be, and the lengths to which people might go to feel connected, no matter how illusory. it’s hard to exist in the world sometimes, but i promise you this story has a heartening ending, a sad-but-hopeful ache.
read it for yourself here:…