Hark! A Shark!: All About Sharks by Bonnie Worth
My rating: 4/5 cats
one fish, two fish, red fish, dead fish
this is a nonfiction book in verse, featuring the cat in the hat and thing 1 and thing 2, that shares the wonder of SHARKS with little kids, teaching them that they’re not the monsters of the ocean they may seem
tell that to those fishies!
there’s plenty of age-appropriate factual information about sharks here. it’s not deep science or anything, but it does show where baby sharks come from
and it has a good overall message about how humans are more dangerous to sharks than they are to us and they need our protection, so just say “NO!” to shark fin soup!
considering how annoyingly sing-songy it is, it’s pretty impressive that it manages to squeeze in as many facts as it does, although it’s true that the verse is occasionally a bit weak.
Pectoral fins lift –
I have been thinking –
like two airplane wings,
to keep sharks from sinking.
but it maintains the balance between instructional and fun, and covers a broad range of species, including my buddy:
the best part is the segment in which awards are distributed to the different species based on their characteristics: biggest, smallest, oldest, etc
The Things are now holding
a Shark Spotter contest
to reward each shark here
for what it does the best.
my favorites:
but i think we need to be a bit more cautious about how we deploy our second person pronouns
don’t try to tag sharks, kids! “you” should not be finding out anything, except by watching SHARK WEEK under the supervision of your parents.
a fun shark book and a good way to kick off SHARK WEEK!