Ed Emberley’s Fingerprint Drawing Book by Ed Emberley
My rating: 4/5 cats
sorry there was a little bit of delay in posting the final day of fingieprints – halloween was spooky and then i got a horrible flu and have been incapacitated and am still very wobbly. but now it is posted! happy october!
when i was little, i looooved ed emberley. i was recently reminded of this fact and decided to be a little kid again and make me some fingerprint art.
i’m not quite sure how to structure this project. i like having daily assignments, but i don’t know how to wrangle this book into one-a-day endeavors. it seems lazy to just do a single print per day, and that won’t get me anywhere close to demonstrating all the little fingie-creatures this book has to offer. but i also don’t want to get too ambitious and create daily scenes “starring” multiple creatures from the book which would require additional artwork and clever thematic ideas, which i cannot promise with my hectic schedule.
i’ll just wing it, i guess. for today, i will just practice sticking my fingers into the ink and making a few of the characters to see if i’m as artistic now as i was when i was six.
October 1
not too shabby, fingies!
October 2
look at all the cats my fingies made!
October 3
fingieman in peril! look out for giant buggas!!!
October 4
here are all sorts of ways to use your fingies to make different people-shapes!
October 5
and here are some of the things that bean-people can do!
October 6
there’s a dirty joke in here somewhere. enjoy!
October 7
here are a whole bunch of birrrrds! i’m still working through the book, checking out what i can make from it. at some point, i will (hopefully) make more involved and exciting pictures, but for now, i’m just gathering the characters.
October 8
phoning it in a bit today because life is hard, but here are some creatures that can be found in your local pond!
October 9
more assorted animals! slow and steady wins the race!
October 10
more birds and a weirdo tree!
October 11
still haven’t mastered the art of cropping, but i think i’ve mastered the art of thumbfish!
October 12
and a very meowy christmas to YOU!
October 13
here are some more cute little critters!
October 14
it’s a winter wonderland!
October 15
here are some lions! broken up into two photos because some dummy accidentally made one upside down because of distractions…
October 16
here are some moods that fingerprints can have!
October 17
more moods! so moody are my fingies!
October 18
more faces doin’ stuff… i promise this will get more fun and involved soon – don’t give up on me!
October 19
a string of duckies! see, these are way better than boring facial expressions. quack!
October 20
a ferocious dragon! mind his toxic smoke!
October 21
dinosaurs and penguins and eskimos, oh my!
October 22
more lazy mood-prints. but they’re cute, right? my fingies?
October 23
it’s an underwater party! don’t be eaten!
October 24
bears and berries, berries and bears!
October 25
spring flowers, autumn trees – this picture is so confusing!
October 26
so many sad fingie babies…
October 27
so, here we have a crocodile and a lion and they want to eat that baby elephant and that nasty bluejay is egging them on but momma-elephant is saying “noooooo,” and the brave net-person is coming to save the day. aaaaaaand scene.
October 28
this one is off-book – for some reason, ed emberley did not include instructions on how to make a picture of me giving my cat her chemo using fingerprints. very shortsighted, emberley.
and since i may as well pass the hat for maggie wherever i am online:
maggie’s contribution to the fingerprint project:
she’s not the best at it, but at least now i have little blue pawprints on my rug!
October 29
this one is also off-book, and now i am realizing that i should have been doing this the whole dang time because it is so much more fun to create scenes than it is to replicate the ones in the book. so from now on – for all of halloween weekend, i am going to skew dark and make scary fingies. this one depicts the rising of the ants and the resulting massacre of mankind. enjoy!
October 30
this is what happens when crazy cat ladies die unexpectedly. a feast for kitties!
October 31
sorry for the delay – i was very feverish and far from the computer. but i’m glad we made it through october together! welcome to november!