Cloud Sketching: Creative Drawing for Cloud Spotters and Daydreamers – Look Up! by Martín Feijóo
My rating: 4/5 cats
i am only using the portion of the book where he presents photographs of clouds and encourages the reader to turn them into fantastic cloud-doodles. i’m not sure how much fun this is going to be for me, or you, or maggie, but hopefully one of us will enjoy ourselves!
May 1
dragon skellington!!
May 2
let’s see, there’s an elephant farting out a goat, a sad dog, what is meant to be a hedgehog, a weasel bandit stealing some strawberries, a drunk cat, a dog wearing a flower-saddle, a sheep, and a snake.
May 3
a happy naked girl with a giant bellybutton, a skunk-ish thing, another snake, and a turtle.
May 4
let’s see, we got some kind of fang’ed creature with beauty pageant sausage curls being frottaged-upon buy a nude man whose butt and chin are interchangeable – not sure if she’s cool with it or not, but that disembodied dog head in front of her is definitely afraid he’s going to be next. the heart up top means it’s probably true love, no matter what that dog fears, but stripey-armed cat is coming to make sure everything’s cool and consensual. as a bonus – a cow in a beret and the ghost of some mammal or other.
why do i feel like this book is some kind of extended rorschach test and i am revealing far too much?
May 5
let’s see… punk with an underbite, snailbird and a happily surprised fishie. your guess is as good as mine…
and for some reason, this is printed on the page facing this (formerly) blank cloud, so i’m sharing it because literary:
May 6
disembodied head-kite with spinal column as kite string, a fox for greg, and a fire-breathing and flatulent frog.
and, as promised, here are some of his:
so you understand how outmatched i am here…
May 7
okay, what do we have here… this is some sort of pete’s dragon scenario, where a young boy snuggles with his dragon pal, who is featuring a cetacean water-spout, while a curious squirrel sneaks up on the unsuspecting lad, hoping he has some acorns in his shoe or something. also, a turtle, a smaller dragon, and some kind of… anteater? long-snouted hedgehog?? some sort of tiny mammal, just hovering in the air somehow. analyze that, mofos!
May 8
unicorn-cum-totoro-catbus with inexplicable foxtail, drunken bear simultaneously farting and vomiting (look for your high art elsewhere, kids), dog and zeus singing a duet underneath it all
May 9
this kangaroo is regretting that one-night-stand with that troll under the bridge while a giant fish laffs and laffs
May 10
no one knows what this is, but it is VERY happy to see you!
May 11
okay, so from top-down, that is god seeing everything that he made and that it was very good, and also a dolphin with a mustache who snuck into heaven in this disguise even though he totally belonged in hell. there is a tiny turtle flying by right under god’s nose, and so turtles might actually be god’s boogers. to the right, there is a crab, waving a claw to get the attention of the wing’ed toad to let him know he has a crocodile head emerging from his rear, and to watch out for that! underneath them is a giant goggle-eyed snake, and what was meant to be a dinosaur-head, but looks more like a yawning woodpecker, so it’s whatever you want it to be. then it gets hazy – some sort of plaid lizard, a hippo or a twinkie with wings, a fish or pac-man in his shark costume eating a boomerang… you tell me
May 12
this one is very straightforward. on top, there is a cowboy skull shooting flames out behind him. underneath, a fox playing in the snow, probably after he just did one of these:
i have provided a close-up of the skull so you can take it straight to your local tattoo artist and then you can finally start that garage metal band you’re always talking about.
oops, but i took the picture before i added the nostril-holes, so you will have to draw them in yourselves or just have a noseless skull tattooed on you forever. your choice.
May 13
this one is for greg, who enjoys the “parade of silly animal” ones the most. i’m just not sure what these animals are supposed to be. top left is a donkey, maybe, top right is … an animal, …there’s a vampire cow head and a turtle and a dog and i think that was supposed to be an armadillo maybe? and there’s a superhero animal and then, maybe a wombat?? … i don’t know. let’s call this a drawing of “assorted mammals and also a turtle” and call it a day.
close-ups of tiny side creatures so you can tell me what they are, maybe:
May 14
this one is pretty lazy, but i can’t control what i see in the clouds, and sometimes my eyes are just plain lazy. giant bat-dinosaur creature with fins and a janked-up arm, bear rudely sticking out his tongue, bashful chameleon. the end.
May 15
okay, so here we have a penguin with a water spout coming out his noggin, a tiny bellowing whale, a platypus in a dapper sweater vest protecting its eggs, a clown, another platypus who is also a superhero, a little boy exhaling smoke (but not from a cigarette because those are bad for you), a dog running away from the smoke, a skinny bunny, a vole, an elongated narwhal, a fat snake who is just going to take a little nibble out of those bears, and a park ranger trying to stop that from happening. aaaaaand – scene!
here are some close-ups, because it’s such a messy mishmash
May 16
again, make of these what you will. various creatures: a rhino talking to a fish, a cat head, the ghost of a giant baby, an alligator and its alligator-baby attacking a giant crow who totally deserved it, some fat dinosaur creature, a long cat with spiny-things on it, sad frog, sad fish, wing’ed creature, sad bunny, indifferent duck and another lizard thing you can’t really see in the picture but is totally there.
May 17
this little piggy is SHOCKED to suddenly be covered in mountains on top and udders beneath. below, a bird and some offbrand wuzzles (rhinobird and koalapotamus) have mistaken the mountains for a giant hot fudge sundae and are waiting for spoons. here’s one:
May 18
i mean, this one pretty much draws itself. anyone who sees anything other than this is just wrong
May 19
here’s another traffic jam of tiny furry things and creatures that almost exist in nature.
i’ll do more close-ups because i was using a different pencil today and the lines aren’t well-defined. if you can tell me what these things are, you get points. and who doesn’t want points???
May 20
more of the same, here… i wonder – is it that all clouds are made of dragons and small fuzzy creatures, or is this just a preoccupation of my own brain? you see them too, right???
May 21
hmm, okay, clockwise: a fish who is a paul stanley fan, with lesser fish-organism fwiends, a skunk eating squid ink pasta, a squirrel in a beret (un écureuil, si vous voulez), a sugar glider, a sleepy donkey, a baby croc, some animalish shapes…
close-ups, so you can see all the … things
May 22
dragon v wing’ed unicorn. pretty straightforward.
May 23
maybe i am on acid? a rhino wearing a human head as a nose (horn?) guard, a cat transporting an easter egg on its back, a bearded man with a secret to tell, an eavesdropping elephant, a tiny hungry lizard eating a pellet, some sort of creature, a curly haired child’s face. ta-daaaa!
just one close-up this time
May 24
a toothy monster, a baby alien, a grouchy cat, an ugly mermaid-creature with a little turtle emerging from its back, a fish trying to eat a zippy fox, a cat with a fat tail, a reclining frog with a reclining otter on its tummy, a mushroom, and two unicorns, one of whom appears to have eaten one of those magic mushrooms.
May 25
here you go, j.l. – the fastest sloth EVER, trampling the bodies of his competitors.
May 26
what unholy romantic situation led to a flying squirrel with a panda’s head!? whatever it was, it made that beaver and that fish very sad and that duck recoil in fear and disgust. as for the rest – an otter with its hands on its tummy, the obligatory dragon, the obligatory “no one knows what it is” creature, and a little hedgehog showing off its little feets!
May 27
it’s too hot to explain myself. all i can say is: gross dog park in which a flesh-tunneled polar bear showed up. but SERIOUSLY – why is it so hot? has it ever been this hot anywhere ever before? because this is unacceptable.
May 28
i call this one: cloud-sketching, romantic encounter edition. i am really surprised at myself that i haven’t drawn a single phallus during this project, when i’m the kind of girl that draws dicks all over the place with no provocation whatsoever. so when i saw these clouds, while i didn’t see any peen specifically, i was delighted to see some amorous beasties making kissyfaces everywhere. beasties making out, beasties about to make out, beasties making eyes at each other with the intention of making out at some point, and one lonesome axolotl looking for someone to make out with. poor axolotl, why can’t you find love?
May 29
this is a bear drinking a 40 while two other creatures look on in the hopes that he will be generous with the malt liquor. spoiler alert – he will not be. bears are very greedy creatures.
May 30
this is just another mess of weird-looking creatures, which seems to be all i’m good at seeing in clouds. these are mostly fish, most notably a fish who seems affiliated with target in some way. also a cow, a couple of dogs, and a monkey sticking out his tongue to catch snowflakes. not likely, monkey – it is too hot for snow.
May 31
and now we have reached the final cloud-sketch! how’s everyone feeling? this last one is of a beardy fellow napping while above him float a number of creatures. are they threatening? are they dreams? no one knows! the end