With by Donald Harington
My rating: 5/5 cats
this is one of the best stay more novels, but by saying that i am still recommending, as i always do, for each one of you to sit down with his entire collection and read them all in order. and i don’t want to hear any whining about your lives and the things you have to get done other than reading an obscure american writer’s complete works, because i am wholly uninterested in your complaints. if you have ever heard a nagging inner voice telling you, “you know, you should probably read proust,” then might i suggest doing this first? because i like proust, i do, i am devoting my summer to finishing the bastard, but as far as commitments go, somehow reading 13 books by harington will take less time than reading 6 by proust. and you will be the cool kid on the block that is an expert in a brilliant, unsung american hero. you don’t want to be known as a terrorist, do you?? with your foreign literature and your smug face? seriously—buy locally, be a true patriot, and may he look upon you in his afterlife with favor.
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