Whylah Falls by George Elliott Clarke
My rating: 5/5 cats
this man is a national treasure…for canada. after i read his novel, george and rue, i figured i would try to get my hands on some of his poetry. but no matter how many times i ordered them into the store, they never came in. then i came across a copy of this book at the strand (yes, even though i work at a bookstore and buy 6-8 books a week there, i still go to the used bookstores because i have a sickness) and i am halfway through, and i find a sales receipt in the book. for the book. and then i start thinking (because i am already loving this book like a sin) who gets rid of a book like this?? who brings this beautiful book to the strand and says “i don’t want it,” leaving the sales receipt inside of it so i can see it came to new york all the way from edmonton!! and was paid for in exact change!! who is this robot?? who walks around with $20.28 in their pocket, reads this book, and is unmoved by it?? i can only assume that the poems affected the reader so much that they had some sort of a heart attack in the middle, and this book was part of their estate that got donated to the strand. it is the only explanation. but the book is a must-have. an interlocked collection of poems capturing the stories of several characters living in an acadian blues song—all violence and erotic obsession and love and religion and murder. and if you buy it at audrey’s books, ltd (10702 jasper ave. edmonton AB t5j 3j5) you can save 25% on all globe and mail bestsellers! hot damn!