Texts From Mittens: A Cat Who Has an Unlimited Data Plan…and Isn’t Afraid to Use It by Angie Bailey
My rating: 4/5 cats
after an entire week of doing nothing but unpacking and cleaning from bedbug nightmare ’15 (yeah the recovery is STILL going on—where’s FEMA when you need ’em?!), this isn’t going to be the triumphant return to reviewing i had anticipated. i haven’t read a book in a week, so i’ve pretty much forgotten what words are, and there are so many books in the review-backlog, it’s too staggering to even address right now, so i’m just going to review one of those fun, silly books i read to escape from my travails.
and it’s mostly going to be pictures.
‘cuz i am the worst.
also, my fingers are covered in dried super glue from last night’s tchotchke-repair session and sliced-up from the game called “dropping the teevee on the floor—see how it shatters!!” so i’m just limping back in here. patience—i will review some proper books soon, but for now—LOOK A CAT WHAT SAYS THINGS!
like Texts from Dog, this is a book of amusing texts from a pet, but in this case, it is from a cat, not a dog. have you wrapped your head around this difference? if not, i will help you out a little by saying that this one is a book of aMEOWsing texts from a pet. hahaahahahahhhaha i am going quite mad from the events of this past week wheeeeeeee.
anyway, all you need to know is that mittens is a pretty normal cat, except for all the texting. on his “furizon” account. some of his texts could have come from the diabolical paws of my own dear maggie:
and the first three texts from this one made me hoot, because POOR KITTY!! i have witnessed this terror before. this week, in fact.
i have also been experiencing a version of this all week, as maggie has no sympathy for me and my exhaustion from my long dusty days:
and a little bit of this, where “wrapping presents” is swapped out for “picking up pieces of glass.”
and then there is behavior i understand is typical of cats, but my own is so noli me tangere that is hasn’t really come up:
and this one is just spoooooky. wicked cat!
mittens is frequently a little wicked
but you gotta love him for his simple pleasures
and the ease with which he recovers from his various setbacks:
and his kitty-fears:
and his snark:
and his logic:
and i leave you with this one:
and a picture of my sweet bookish maggie:
back to the trenches!! hopefully i will see you all soon!
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