Restoration by Ann Aguirre
My rating: 3/5 cats
a short and lazy review, but it’s got adorable animals at the end! i pander with pandas!
this e-only addition to the razorland series didn’t seem particularly revelatory to me. or necessary. it’s basically a deleted scene from Outpost, which i read years and years ago, so the story isn’t as fresh in my mind as it could be, but i feel like we already knew all this. or maybe we learned or could glean it from fade’s behavior in Horde, which i read much more recently. it’s just more “stuff that’s going on in fade’s head” in a scene we’ve already read from deuce’s POV. it doesn’t put any mysteries to rest or offer up new information or action sequences; nothing that couldn’t be extrapolated from already-existing scenes. it was probably better as a little nibble to tide readers over before Horde was released than the way i read it—learning of its existence only after i’d finished reading the entire series. oh, well; it’s short and it’s here and it’s free and it’ll get you a little closer to your reading challenge!
this review is too boring, so here are some animal gifs
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