Primal by Robin Baker
My rating: 3/5 cats
this book is terrrrrible! it kind of makes me want to roll around on my back in it and savor the yuk of it all. but here’s the thing—i was deathly ill yesterday all fever and koff koff and so very weak and i said to myself—what is the most escapist book i have??…and i found this. and i read it all day, drifting in and out of consciousness and it was a good recovery day and i am mostly healed today. i don’t think the book healed me, but maybe it does have secret medicinal properties. all i know is that if you like your rape eroticized and decriminalized, this is the book for you. if you hate consistency in characterization and feel it is snobbery to have characters behave in a manner that people would in the real world—this is your book. if you hate to question character’s motives or hate to ask “wait—when did that happen?”—this is a great read for you! there are some very interesting things in the book, really, but as a whole i would recommend it only to people roiling in feverhaze. get your flu shots, kids…
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