Of Bees and Mist by Erick Setiawan
My rating: 3/5 cats
i wish i liked this more, i truly do. it’s in the running for best cover of the year, which is of course why i bought it (in hardcover, before reading any reviews of it, and barely reading the flap-copy) but it seemed like my brand of tea—crumbling houses, family secrets, a touch of magic realism. only it was more than a touch. this is basically a fairy tale. which hit me unexpectedly as i was reading. but it’s fine, i acclimate to the tone and continue reading…it’s just that it’s not very tidy. there is a fascinating story in here, it’s just muddled underneath other half-stories. magical realism is tempting for a writer because problems and conflicts can be resolved in any way the author chooses, without worrying about expectations or truth-feeling. but it’s easy to let the story slip away under such circumstances. and that may have happened here. i still cared about the characters, and appreciated that it stuck to common fairy-tale ground like wicked stepmothers (or in-laws) and true love marred by magic and fate etc, but usually in a fairy tale, at least SOMEONE is happy. i would definitely read a second book by this author. please.
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