Lord of the Dead by Tom Holland
My rating: 2/5 cats
i can’t help it, i love byron. i have about 30 books here that fictionalize his life and work and discourtesies. and most of them look like cheap romance novels, but i love that clubfooted bastard even when they are bad. and this one is bad. byron as a vampire?? how could this story go off the tracks, you wonder?? well, it does. pretty spectacularly. i own the sequel too, and i will read it because i cannot resist! i’m just glad i can read pretty quickly, so i am able to indulge myself these little diversions from good taste and sensible reading. someday soon i will embark upon my byronathon and read all these old mass markets with their blue-tinted pages and see if any of them deserve to be back in print, or if it was meant to protect us all…
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