Jimmy Plush, Teddy Bear Detective by Garrett Cook
My rating: 4/5 cats
are all teddy bears this racist and unpleasant, or just the ones who have been body-swapped and trapped in a noir setting with tons of willing furries and no testicles?
makes me glad i have a bunny and not a bear.
i haven’t read anything that is legitimately pulpy; from the golden age of pulp. those crab/p books do not count, although they are definitely the real deal and not satires, the way this one is. but the same advice applies: if you are looking at this cover with its grouchy-looking teddy bear smoking a cigarette and not making “eye”-contact with a ridiculously well-endowed woman in a fox costume, and you are like, “hmmmm—is this my kind of book?” well, it probably isn’t. if you aren’t instantly drawn to this, you aren’t going to come around to it. and more’s the pity for you. you sound pretty boring.
furverts would be a great companion book to this and, during the holidays, the two should be tied together with a festive pink ribbon and sold in major-chain bookstores for those hard-to-buy-for people on your list who already have everything.
make it so!
this book is a lot of fun, but makes me think i would probably not enjoy the actual pulp novels from their heyday. the chinese just cannot catch a break here! i mean, i was laughing at the coffee scene because i am a terrible person, but really. bad bear!
dunno—i’m sold on any book that has a squid furry in it.
are you?
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