Jellaby by Kean Soo
My rating: 5/5 cats
grumble grumble.
i grabbed this off of netgalley because i thought it was a new jellaby adventure, but it turns out, it is just a reissue of the first book that i already read way back in 2008. i can’t read!! i just saw a giant purple jellaby on netgalley and i get excited and grabbed it!
when will you write a third one, kean soo?? when??
if you are like me, and cannot read, this book will still be fun for you, because it has a lot of pictures like this:
and it is cute enough that you can enjoy it even without the words. although words help. without words, you would have thought this was a new story, and it is not. without words, you might not understand that this is a story about a lonely little girl who discovers a giant purple monster in her backyard, and once she meets an equally lonely little boy, together they try to help jellaby find his way home. in toronto.
i loved jellaby back in 2008, and after rereading this, i still love him. the way soo draws jellaby just makes me smile, and the relationship between portia and jellaby is free and sweet and reminiscent of calvin and hobbes, especially in scenes like this:
and this:
i don’t know if there is going to be a third book. i hope so, because the more books there are, the greater the chance that we might see jellaby merchandise, and if i could have a plush jellaby, things would be better in my life.
and if the second one shows up on netgalley, i will probably fall for it again, but maybe, maybe, the third time will be the charm, and i will one day get an all-new jellaby story.
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