Glow in the Dark Coloring by Thunder Bay Press
My rating: 4/5 cats
WELCOME TO FEBRUARY PROJECT! did you think i’d forgotten? i had NOT! but, since february hath 28 days and this book hath 20 projects, i’d planned to start this on the 8th and see it through to the end, but TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES prevented me from posting until today, so here i am, starting late, but no less enthusiastically! WELCOME TO MY GLOW-IN-THE-DARK JOURNEY!
because review space ’round here is finite, this is the only time i am going to do a before-and-after-and-after-after post, taking you from boring old black-and-white:
to majestic color:
to luminous magnificence!
don’t be afraid of the dark, these blobs will guide you through.
don’t be afraid of the dark, but maybe be afraid of a glowing needle-beak coming for your eyeballs in the middle of the night. that’s a sensible fear.
FEB 10
the book dictates where the glow-in-the-dark goop is to be placed. they seem pretty arbitrary. i would have made different choices, given druthers in the matter.
FEB 11
this glow-in-the-dark photo isn’t great, but i couldn’t get my apartment dark enough to make it pop. #humblebrag #igottawearshades
FEB 12
if the weather forecast is accurate, this is how it should look outside my window in just a few hours!
thank you, prognosticating coloring book!
FEB 13
whales crash waves/whales crash raves
FEB 14
the last thing i see before i die
FEB 15
the calm before the coyote v bird smackdown
FEB 16
o glistening frog, long may ye glisten!
i sprained my wrist so i’m putting this project on a mini-pause until my paw heals. i’m still doing my daily drawing over on my yearlong project, but prolonged coloring hurts lefty too much, and righty isn’t up to the task of coloring inside the lines. be back soon!
here i am, rallying like a mofo. i’m going to try to finish this on time, no matter how much my injured wrist complains!
FEB 24
it’s me, waving my little flipper around in triumph!!
eat yer heart out, lisa frank!
FEB 25
if any of you are wallpaperists, let’s talk.
my thumb does not glow in the dark.
i am running out of glow in the dark goo – the tube they provide is nowhere near enough to finish the book. gonna have to improvise.
FEB 26
awww the sticky glow-in-the-dark goo adhered to the preceding page so his little forehead got disfigured! poor hedgie!
bonus points awarded for one of the few creatures in this book actually capable of glowing in the dark.
and now we know where pokemon balls grow…
FEB 28
time to go crazy, i guess…
this one’s for greg! have a great trip and they’ll be waiting here for you when you get back!!
in conclusion, many things glow in the dark. i’m wiped out
okay byeeeeee!!
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