Edith and Mr. Bear by Dare Wright
My rating: 5/5 cats
THIS IS A BOOK WHERE… oh, no. i am not doing those anymore. this is a review where i follow alfonso’s simple rules:
1. No more than 3 pictures.
2. You need to wave it something about my penis being huge in the review! I know you’ve never seen it! And proly never will! But still! You a good writer! You’ll find a way to praise my penis!
3. You should offend at least 1 good reader besides me!
4. You’ll need to make a reference to something completely no relevant to the book! Something about your life! A dirty secret would be nice!
5. You are also absolutely forbidden to say anything that relates to the book’s plot! I love reviews where people don’t talk about the freaking book!
6. You need to pick a song ! This song will be the sound track of the review! The reader will have the option to play it on you tube while reading the review!
7. Find away to blame Atiba for women having their period, global warming, the war on Iraq or whatever! The thing is that he needs to be blame of something!
8. NO obscure references! !
9. Let us know on what team are you on! Team Jacob or Team Edward!
10. And lastly answer this burning question! Who is the sexiest person in goodreads.com!
the song i have chosen is alice cooper’s “years ago/steven” it(they) is(are) a() creepy song(s) about creepy things that echo the theme of this book, which themes i will not discuss. at all.
these photographs are disturbing, like the photographs of—oh, wait—i can’t namedrop. TFB, bookworld! the only photograph more disturbing than the ones to be found in this book is alfonso’s new avatar, which shows off his massive tool (and by “tool”, i mean “water bottle”) which no one is crowing about—do they not see his massive tool??
reading dare wright’s biography really gave me some perspective about the inspiration for her photography. basically, she was a very lonely, sheltered girl who slept in the same bed as her mother throughout adulthood and constructed a sort of fantasy world that is heartbreaking in its fragility, and these pictures are indicative of the innerworkings of her mind and are disturbing and fascinating all at once.
the mother daughter dynamic between dare wright and her moms recalls grey gardens (which is in no way an obscure reference, as their awesome madness spawned two movies, a musical, and assorted other things that are in no way obscure. for the record)
an interlude, for monica:
cum cum jizz spunk cum cummy sandwich jizzy jizz cumfag splooge jizzpunch. cocktastic cumfucks. violence violence punch punch kick. block.
if i get kicked off of goodreads.com, i will assume it is all atiba’s fault. (like everything in this world that is bad: olives, famine, crime, shark attacks) atiba—seriously everything you touch is ruined, and the air you exhale is poisoned with your demonic soul.
i love these photographs—just the “edith doll” and her teddies and discipline and a pervasive hauntedness. when i was a little girl, i had tons of stuffed animals (not that much has changed since then) and i would play elaborate games with them: sometimes we would play “stewardess” because i was totally liberated, right? and i would play “raft” but i never played anything involving spanking, and i could never have conjured up the imaginary tableaux that ms. wright created.
sometimes i still talk to them, but i am not necessarily lonely, just a little.
i love nutella.
i suppose, if it comes right down to it, i would rather be with a man who went all sparkly in direct sunlight than a man whose doghair would always be clogging my drain (twss)
this is what happens when you GIS “hottest goodreader ever.” so, i suppose whoever this avatar belongs to is the official hottest goodreader. research has made it so.
[image error]i would love to talk some more about the actual contents of the book, but i think it is best seen for oneself. they are truly sad little photos for a sad always-to-be-little girl
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