Clown Tear Junkies by Douglas Hackle
My rating: 4/5 cats
i always feel bad about myself whenever i find myself liking one of these bizarro titles—and i don’t always like them, mind you. but it’s hard not to have a moment of serious self-reflection after reading, and enjoying, something like this that’s so twisted and violent and…wrong. what happened to little english major undergrad karen who was so taken with Villette and Bleak House?? why is she cackling over this book with its repetition of the phrase “big blue dick” and its multiple decapitations and no fewer than six stories that end in either complete gibberish alphabet-soup or repetitions of numbers or all-caps yelling words, not to mention the story that consists of three blank pages??
oh, right—she realized that no one likes bitches with intellectual vanity rods up their asses and that bdsm with bees is fucking funny.
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