Blackout by Mira Grant
My rating: 5/5 cats
more, please.
i don’t want it to be over.
review when i stop hyperventilating.
so, yeah. the only way to review this book is to squee over it like a little girl. because it’s the final book in a trilogy—whatever i write here isn’t going to make anyone who hasn’t read the first two run right out and buy it, because these books build—there is no way to only read the third book and feel like you have made a good decision. and if you have read the first two books, obviously you are going to read the third one, so my review isn’t going to be what convinces you to find out how it all ends, right?
so—commence the squee…
and i will be very very careful to avoid spoilers.
because i would have murdered anyone who had dared spoil it for me.
i thought this was a perfect conclusion to a trilogy. sure, there were some moments when i rolled my eyes a little: shaun’s endless witty remarks, becks’ behavior towards you-know-who in some of the scenes was a little much, and ditto with the fox. but both of them redeemed themselves, and performed such wonderful heroic acts, that my heart swelled repeatedly. but as far as tying up loose ends and giving her characters believable endings and leaving the reader with complete satisfaction in the world of her creation…an easy five stars cats.
mira grant is just so masterful. the blog-excerpt chapter-openers are some of the best examples of reader-manipulation i have ever seen. she has a perfect sense of rallying the reader, you know what i mean? emotionally, they run the gamut from humorous, poignant, cheesy (that poetry…), and just flat-out triumphant—they made me want to rise along with them. it’s a neat trick she accomplished, and a great way to supply additional depth to her characters.
one of my favorites:
View Spoiler »because i shouldn’t really like the george character. she is so…earnest and driven and honest and sincere, usually a character like that would make me feel queasy. and we all know what happens to characters who are too noble for their surroundings, right?
this is not a spoiler for this book, but for a very popular series by george r. r. martin, so stay away, nerds:
View Spoiler »but george (not martin) is great, and i don’t know what it is about her that rescues her from my eye-rolling, except that she is just perfectly written; she is not some cookie-cutter character standing in for “all that is good and right and just,” she is beaten and defiant and oh, god karen—don’t use that picture again…oh god, you are going to, aren’t you??
yup, it can’t be helped…
and add her to shaun, and oh my god. a terrific explosion of capable badassery that just never lets up.
i love every little thing about this book. the attention to detail, the science that sounds pretty terrifyingly plausible to me, the nuance to her characters, the way everyone has their own damage and their own coping mechanisms…it just feels right, all of it. it feels like i am not really reading it, but that i am immersed in something. and that is rare for me, with reading. i love reading, i do it all the time, but it is rare for me to experience this level of envelopment in a story. i was there, man…
yeah, it’s a zombie book—get over it, it is also a book about the indomitable human spirit. and it fucking kicks ass.
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