ABCDE·F·YOU: The ABC’s of Cat Ownership by Katie Cook
My rating: 4/5 cats
this is a book by the same author/illustrator as F You, Box: And Other Observations of My Cat’s Inner Dialogue, and is just another silly fun book of postcards illuminating the many joys of cat ownership.
there’s not much to say, from a reviewer’s perspective, so i’m just gonna pounce in and drop a couple of my favorites and then go do the dishes or something.
i never thought of it this way before, but it’s a pretty good comparison. with maggie there’s definitely plenty of sulking, although far fewer late-night sob-heavy phone calls.
this is obviously very familiar. maggie is not into heavy petting, but she also refuses to employ the safe word. injuries will occur.
these two are just canine propaganda, but i do like the fact that human eyeballs and cat buttholes are visually interchangeable.
and what would any decent postcard book be without a couple of poop jokes?
so there you have it. more cats on the internet. you’re welcome.
now i gotta go fill maggie’s little alligator mouth.
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