Snaily Snail by Chris Raschka
My rating: 3/5 cats
another montambo book!!!
i didn’t love this one as much as the other two; it was much less aggressive than the other raschka books i have read, and the poorer for it. if i am not mistaken, this is a love story between a snail and its shell, which concept i can embrace, but it reads like a rod mckuen poem or something. i have never read rod mckuen, but it’s what i imagine he wrote, just seeing his stupid face on those books my mom used to have. i think they were hers—for all i know, in the seventies, you were issued rod mckuen books along with jonathan livingston seagull and some sort of statue of two nude people having relations and told “here are your props—enjoy the seventies!” oh and something made of teak—a bowl or something. those are my memories of the seventies. but the book is no moosey moose, that’s a fact.
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