T-Rex Trying and Trying: The Unfortunate Trials of a Modern Prehistoric Family by Hugh Murphy
My rating: 3/5 cats
why yes, i AM reviewing another silly little humor book! because i enjoy laughter. and i also enjoy making fun of dinosaurs.
poor dummy.
naturally, in order to get maximum giggles out of this book you need to forget everything you know about evolution, history, biology, nature, technology, and all of that stuff. and that is a statement that transcends this situation—history is pretty much a downer. lots of dead people. best to wipe it all from the mind.
if you’ve read T-Rex Trying, this is just more of the same. however, as any sitcom’ll teach you—in order to prevent a joke from getting stale, you must ADD NEW CHARACTERS.
so, welcome she rex
and wee rex
and their various sorrows.
it’s more fun at the expense of poor creatures who are too extinct to fight back but would totally eat you if they found out you were laughing at them. so tread lightly, because lord knows they’ll make more of these things before they work on making more red pandas just because i have stopped returning science’s calls and they are punishing me.
but here—snicker at the plight of this poor dinosaur.
it’s okay to laugh. they can’t hurt you.
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