The Loud Table by Jonathan Carroll
My rating: 4/5 cats
“There’s no cure for old age. No one recovers from it.”
in keeping with my new resolve to not review the tor shorts so good, in order to get my to-be-reviewed list down to a manageable number, i’m just going to drop a few thoughts about this jonathan carroll story, and leave it to you to read it on your own and make your own assessments. because, obviously, you should read it. 1) it’s a new jonathan carroll story and 2) it’s free! what on earth is keeping you from reading it right now? me? oh, okay, i’ll be fast then.
it’s very familiar ground for carroll (life, memory, aging, death, and what is in-between all of those things), and it’s written in that signature jonathan carroll style (very immediate and chatty, in a “let me tell you a story” way, but also a bit twisty and unexpected and magical).
it’s funny and a little sad, and it’s chock-full of those great snappy lines that he’s always flourishing like it’s the easiest thing in the world: “When I was younger, I had a girlfriend. She was like a thousand-dollar perfume—unique, gorgeous, but then gone much too soon.”
it’s a great introduction to carroll if you’ve not yet had the pleasure. if you like this, you will probably like carroll, because this story is just what he does, always, in one variation or another – a little “what if” for you to chew over in your contemplative blue hours.
so hop to it, go become a jonathan carroll fan.
read it for yourself here:…
OH MY GOD!! when i sat down this morning to read my weekly tor short, i found that FINALLY, jonathan carroll had a story there. SO EXCITED!!! MY LOOOOOVE!!
ALSO! tor has already made their ‘best tor shorts of 2016’ selections, which will be available as a free e-book come january, but you can see the table of contents here now:…
and there are links to all the stories, so you can read ’em right now! LOVE TOR SHORTS! THANK YOU, TOR SHORTS!