Creatures with Cocks by Monty Savage, Oscar Tritt
My rating: 4/5 cats
what’s better than an author reading your review of their book and offering to send you a vulgar t-shirt?
an author reading your review of their book and offering to send you TWO vulgar t-shirts!!
thank you, sir, for classing up my wardrobe!!!
look, guys, it’s moby-dick!!!
yup, karen has found another silly book that mashes up the adorable and the vulgar. i certainly do have a type.
this book presents 39 male-creatures…presenting, all of whom are cursed with problematic genitals, whose names have (mostly) been modified into (occasionally) hilarious puns!
like the cocktopus!
and the smallrus (brrrr, it’s so COLD!)
and the…bat
because sometimes puns are hard.
you know what else is hard? the wood-pecker!
why are you pecking yourself? why are you pecking yourself?
some animals do not need their names adjusted at all, such as the cock-robin:
i mean, it’s completely stupid and juvenile, this book, but i just so happen to have a keen appreciation of the stupid and juvenile, allowing me to giggle at the plight of the almost-hidden tree sloth:
and i appreciate the thoughtful details, such as when the pterodicktyl contains a little visual callback to a previously-featured creature (which the book does admit is not technically a creature), the cocktus:
this book really goes the extra mile – not content with relying on animal peen to make its readers go “ew,” it adds another layer of coarseness to creatures like the rhin-oh:
and the wankton:
actually, pretty much everything under the sea is disgusting, full of crabs
and seamen
and peen-gobblers
best pun award is a tie between the armadildo and the elusive cock ness monster, whose pictures you will have to get from the book – gotta save something for the wedding night.
while the best drawing goes to the flying squirrel:
because he’s just going NUTS!
as you can see, my pun-instincts have been triggered by this book.
overall, it gets 5 stars cats for concept and spirit, 3 stars cats for pun-quality, and 4.5 for illustration, with bonus points awarded for not being – to the best of my knowledge/research – just a book-version of someone’s website. we’ll round it to 4 because no one here does math.