since i no longer work at the book factory, i don’t get to see all the new books as they come out. goodreads vigilance etc. keeps me reasonably informed about the Big Books, but it kills me to think i might miss a book of pictures of cats eating pudding or cookbooks using candy bars as ingredients or any one of a number of topics with a more exclusive audience.
SO FOR THAT – to make sure i don’t miss out on any books i might someday want need to read (GIVE TO ME THOSE PUDDING CATS!), i have made a list of publishers whose catalogs i’ll want to check in on periodically. this is mostly for my own reference, so it doesn’t have all the publishers ever, just what i’m likely to need. i’m still working out whether it makes sense to have separate links for all the imprints i like, or if i should just link to the parent publisher or whether to link to the catalogs themselves or if those links will expire as catalogs update and stressing out over all the publishers i know i’m forgetting to include… these are the kinds of things that keep me up nights.
anyway, here’s a wikipedia page if you want a less karen-specific list of publishers. it’s more comprehensive, although still not complete, but if you click through to any of the publishers, you can get a link to their sites from there.