When Sharks Attack With Kindness by Andrés J. Colmenares
My rating: 4/5 cats
this is an aggressively wholesome book, which ordinarily wouldn’t appeal to me, but, like a pool party, adding sharks to the equation changes everything.
the intro lets you know exactly what brand of corny-adorable to expect:
This is a book about kindness, relationships, and love, and since these are such deep subjects, I’ve made it underwater.
it’s cheesy and silly, but these days, we could all do with a bit of both.
the illustrations are very charming
and as far as the sentiments go, even though SOME OF US have become cynical monsters ground down by _______ (noun) and, _______ (recent atrocity), and the _______ (adjective) state of the world, it’s good to be reminded of certain truths, even if they’re a little trite.
like, we’re never as alone as we feel
and we contribute value to the world, even when we don’t realize it
there’s also some good advice here in the areas of conflict resolution
and tips on impressing potential employers
the real takeaway here is that even when we fail to live up to our impossible goals
we can at least fail adorably.
that is the lesson i am choosing to learn here.
it’s the same *kind* of book as The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, but it’s cuter and funnier, so i didn’t feel as emotionally grubby at the end of this one.
now i’m off to fail adorably…
read my book reviews on goodreads

Sue Terry
March 28, 2021 at 1:22 pm
I really like your reviews, even if I don’t agree with them all. Thanks for sharing, now I have 3 more books on my list to read! LOL like I need more books.
karen t. brissette
March 31, 2021 at 7:50 am
hahah oh, i know the feeling, believe me. i just keep stockpiling them around me like i’m building a book-fortress…