Ravens by George Dawes Green
My rating: 2/5 cats
look, i can only suspend my disbelief so far, and for so long. i know someone who watches movies very vocally; giving suggestions to the actors, scoffing and second-guessing the screenwriters. and it always pisses me off. but i found myself doing that for this book like crazy. i was just stunned by the characters’ short-sightedness:
so you win the lottery, big time, and this makes you a target for a couple of jokers who want half of your 318 million. so, they trick you into letting them in, and one of them stays and sort of guards your family, but you still have full access to your phones and computers etc, and he does go to sleep, leaving the four of you to your separate closed-door rooms…and you…well, you allow it. because the other guy is out there and if you call the cops, he will kill someone you love. eventually, security is tightened a little bit, and precautions are taken to limit outside communication, but seriously, people. how hard is it to escape that situation? do something. be resourceful. be more like the australian teenagers. i think i would be a good hostage—i think i could evade my kidnappers (and i apologize in advance to any of my loved ones whom i may have imaginarily just gotten killed) in this particular situation, i would be so gone, after putting my e-mail machine to good use.
and it goes on from there in different ways, all of which i frowned at. there was one beautifully written scene where a man confronts a woman he loves who wants nothing to do with him, and his raw naked need for her, as he pretty much begs her for attention and acceptance and she is distracted and unswayed by it all really twisted the knife beautifully.
i told myself that if this book redeemed itself with its ending, i would bend and give it three stars cats.
see above…
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