Color Quest: Color by Numbers: Extreme Puzzle Challenges for Clever Kids by Amanda Learmonth
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may project is OVER! in JUNE!
things got away from me. between surgery and assorted lifewoes and trying to get this blog up and running, i did not manage to keep up with my daily coloring, and here we are and JUNE is nearly over, and i have not done a june-project either, so apologies all around to anyone who needs my monthly projects to make them feel whole. this is my first lapse, and i will try to gather up the shreds of myself to be better going forward. at any rate, i did finish this book, so i will post the remaining pages but i understand if no one cares about such old news.
okay, so this month is going to be a little scattered for me w/ surgery and (hopefully) post-op painkillers making me woozy, so i’m doing something easy – coloring the shapes the book tells me to color using the hues the book tells me to use. let’s see what happens!
the first day of a coloring project is always the day i learn which markers have dried out since the last coloring project (the colored pencils i used for last month’s project were much hardier) so this one is a little patchy and it’s not that i couldn’t follow directions, but that sometimes i had to improvise. hopefully i’ll figure it out by the middle of the month, painkillers permitting…happy may!
if this is going to be a whole ‘nother month of birds, i’m gonna have to play the cancer card. don’t compromise my recovery, birds!
better than birds, not as good as uranus.
so far i am uninspired by this book. oh, well.
i included the color bar this time, which i have been neglecting to do. as you can see, i have taken some liberties because of marker availability and in some cases, being unsure what color is even being asked of me.
oh, look you guys – it’s another bird! remember how i’m always saying i wish these books would have more birds in them? it’s like a merry unicorn came and made all my dreams come true.
now that’s more like it!
i am starting to feel quite threatened. there are birds all around me…
i did this one a day early so my surgery wouldn’t mess up this project. how’s that for dedication? and i got some cheesy fluorescent flower as a reward. everyone wins.
MAY 10
i’m home, i’m alive, but i’m very weary. i battled cancer and colored a train. a rich, full day.
MAY 11
me and this lizard are doing just fine and are ready to fight the world again. together.
MAY 12
oh, man. this one looks terrible because i forgot how poorly my metallic markers photograph. what a sad, patchy beast. but he looks the way i feel right now, so i guess it’s as it should be.
MAY 13
oh, good, a BIRD! i was hoping there would be more birds!
MAY 14
if any prog rock bands wanna use this for advertising or merch, drop me a line…
MAY 15
it’s hard not to take this personally. and i don’t know why i’m surprised, every time i take on one of these projects, to find how ruthlessly these feathered foes have infiltrated.
MAY 16
this looks ridiculous. i blame the vague color-code buttons that make me think pink is purple or brown is gray. some aren’t even colors that exist. i am failing at an activity book aimed at children.
MAY 17
oh, finally! something worth coloring for. this book is reminding me how much i hate coloring, but when there’s a little cutie like this, it’s almost worth the wasted time.
MAY 18
oooh, a pagoda! i don’t know why i bother with spoiler tags when i just blurt out what it is anyway. duh.
MAY 19
happy birthday, greg! i got you a stripey horse!
MAY 20
ohhh, these are the things that let birds run around in their mouths without chomping down on them. weirdos.
MAY 24
oops, i took a couple of days off to work on some real world projects, which i thought would be fine, since there are fewer pages in this book than days in may, but i took too long a break and now i have rooned it all! i am behind in my coloring! and the rest of the book is probably all birds!
no dates from here on out because i was such a failure! and it’s a shame because THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE BIRD! bad time to drop the ball, brissette.
look at that FACE! (if you have braved a peek beneath the spoiler tag) he is judging me for my lack of fortitude amidst life’s obstacles! i feel judged. and rightly so.
even beneath the SEA the creatures manage to keep their shit together. are you weaker than a creature beneath the sea, karen?
yeah, i don’t care about this one. unless you are an animal. i am not interested in coloring you nor in hearing you berate me for my shortcomings.
oh, but YOU, lisa frank knockoff, i regret failing you most of all.
scratch that – YOU are the one i regret failing most of all, because you are my spirit animal. which, considering you are endangered because you just loll around all day eating and sleeping and not breeding so good, is pretty fitting. let’s go extinct hand-in-hand together.
you are a bug.
you are inanimate and so, once again, of no interest to me.
and you are how i feel every day – crabby, crabby, crabby, going sideways, never forwards… so many lessons to be learned from nature and from coloring books.
and that was may.