Catflexing: The Catlover’s Guide to Weightlifting, Aerobics & Stretching by Stephanie Jackson
so i pretty much need this book.
i mean, i’d probably need a new cat first, since there’s no way in hell maggie would let me get away with any of this, even if i gave her plenty of those sedatives they give grumpy cat for her book tours, which i would never do. (<—- in the post-maggie world, catflexing her is even less likely to occur)
but if you beg me, i would be willing to give some of these exercises a try, after i stock up on gauze and bacitracin.
i grabbed these pictures from the internet, so even if i don’t manage to get my hands on a copy, i can start with these exercises.
however, there will be no checkerboard short shorts.. let’s just be perfectly clear on that point.
commence begging.
(maggie says “in your dreams”)
and i can even focus on specific muscle groups, which makes the project one hundred percent logical!
and let’s take a minute to zoom in on the faces of these poor cats. do they look miserable?? maggie would be miserable.
i am on board for this if maggie is. RIP, beloved furboss.